BPAY® is an easy and secure way for customers to pay bills or invoices and for businesses to receive payments.
BPAY is in the online banking of over 150 banks, credit unions and building societies.
Over 60,000 businesses offer BPAY to their customers to pay bills securely whilst making it easy to reconcile their accounts receivable.
Why use BPAY APIs?
Greater accessibility to BPAY Payments for a variety of customer types
Ability to validate a BPAY Payment before submitting
Reduce reliance on payment batch and file-based workflows
Greater flexibility in solution design
How a BPAY Payment works, and how our APIs can help

Merchant signs up to become a BPAY Biller
Biller Institutions can use our APIs to: Onboard and update Billers

BPAY Biller issues their customer with a bill or invoice
Billers can use our APIs to: Generate Customer Reference Numbers and QR Codes for inclusion on bills

Customer enters bill details into online banking or other application
Payer Institutions and BPAY Batch Payers can use our APIs to:
Validate payments at the point of entry
Combine up to 200 payments into a single batch file for submission via online banking

The Payer Institution submits payment details to BPAY
Scheme Members 1 can use our APIs to: Submit payments to BPAY 2

BPAY passes payment details to the Biller Institution

Biller Institution passes payment details to Biller

Institutions settle funds with one another
Explore BPAY APIs
In order to use the BPAY Group APIs, other criteria must be met, such as providing an ACN, ABN or ARBN.
For full requirements, please see the Production Request.
The table below outlines which Production APIs your organisation is eligible to use.
The BPAY Scheme
BPAY Payments are managed by the BPAY Scheme.
The BPAY Scheme has grown into a membership of over 150 financial institutions working together to build stronger payment services. This collaboration has helped us provide a convenient and consistent experience for businesses and consumers, every time they use our payments products and services.
Your organisation can participate in the BPAY Scheme in three main ways:
Scheme Members
A BPAY Scheme Member is a Financial Institution that participates in the BPAY Scheme for the purpose of facilitating BPAY Payments.
This includes:
Offering BPAY Payments to customers
Offering Biller businesses/organisations the ability to offer BPAY to their customers
Being a Scheme Member requires compliance with Business Rules and Operating Procedures and satisfying a number of other criteria.4
Scheme Participants
BPAY Scheme Participants are not members of the Scheme but offer BPAY Payments to their customers.
This includes:
BPAY Billers who offer BPAY as a bill payment method to their customers 5
BPAY Batch Payers who submit multiple BPAY Payments in a single file to their Financial Institutions 6
Organisational Payers who are organisations registered with an ACN, ABN or ARBN and are eligible to make BPAY Payments through their nominated Financial Institution
Service Providers
A Service Provider is an organisation registered with an ACN, ABN or ARBN who provides services for their own customers who fit into at least one of the following categories:
BPAY Batch Payers
BPAY Billers
Organisational Payers
BPAY Scheme Members
API eligibility
Fees and Pricing
There are no charges for utilising API Products in the Sandbox environment. Here, users can access test data while developing their own solutions.
Once users request to access the Production environment, BPAY APIs will be subject to fees.

Reliability and security
Stay up-to-date with real-time API status and outage information via the API Status page. We are committed to a 99.7% monthly uptime and provide advance notice of planned maintenance, ensuring consistent and dependable service.
Scheme Members who have subscribed to BPAY Payments.
Accepted Payments will be processed and included in settlement as outlined in the BPAY Payments Systems Specifications, available to Scheme Members on B-Place.
Scheme Members who have subscribed as BPAY Biller Institutions or Service Providers to BPAY Biller Institutions.
Business Rules and Operating Procedures are available to Scheme Members on B-Place.
BPAY Billers are required to enter into Biller agreement with their Financial Institution.
BPAY Batch Payers are required to enter into a Batch Payer agreement with their Financial Institution. See the ‘Generate BPAY Batch File’ documentation for details on which Bank Batch File formats are supported by our API.
Monthly fees will be calculated according to the following: Total number of individual calls made to an API within a given calendar month. Please be aware that this number includes any calls made in a testing capacity, and any unsuccessful call responses.
Usage and pricing subject to change at any time at AP+ discretion.