Validate BPAY Payment
A simplified way to give you and your customers confidence that payment details are correct, reduce CRN errors, and meet the BPAY requirement of validating all payments before submission.
This API allows customers to validate their BPAY Payment details to ensure it will be accepted before submitting a payment1.
How this can help your business
Improve customer experience with rapid, front-end validation of BPAY Payment details, allowing Payers to amend any incorrect details before submitting a payment.
Validate BPAY Payments received from customers before they are submitted to their financial institution, individually or through a BPAY batch file.
Integrate directly into customer or accounting software to validate Payment Instructions prior to generating a BPAY batch file.
In order to use the BPAY Group APIs, other criteria must be met, such as providing an ACN, ABN or ARBN.
For full requirements, please see the Production Request.
For more information on how your organisation can access the APIs, check your Eligibility.
Approved Purpose
As an alternative to the Biller File to validate BPAY Payments submitted by Payers individually or in bulk (for example via a Batch File).
Integrate the API directly into their own software to enhance existing functionality or create new functionality for customers.
To validate BPAY Payments prior to generating and submitting a BPAY batch file to a Batch Payer Institution.
POST /validatepayments
Validate the details of a BPAY Payment to ensure that all attributes are valid prior to payment submission.*
Branding Requirements
A BPAY logo or wordmark needs to be used where this API is consumed.
Refer to the Brand Guidelines for more information.
The Validate BPAY Payment API can be used to validate BPAY Payments, which you can submit to your financial institution. BPAY Payments cannot be made through the Validate BPAY Payment API. Your use of BPAY Payments is governed by separate arrangements with your financial institution. Payments will be validated using the Settlement Date provided.